Underground Construction Association Student Chapter
UCA @ Mines is the Underground Construction Association’s student chapter at Colorado School of Mines, a subset of the Society of Mining Exploration (SME) professional organization. As the nation’s only student chapter, we represent the very best in underground construction and tunneling and proudly offer unique benefits and opportunities to our active undergraduate and graduate members.
If interested, students and faculty are invited to attend any of our Wednesday Lunch & Learn seminars, at which industry speakers present on topics relevant to their expertise. Additional questions regarding UCA @ Mines should be directed to ucamines@gmail.com

2020-2021 Officers

President: Ryan O’Connell
Program: MS in Underground Construction and Tunneling Engineering
Contact: roconnell@mines.edu

Vice President: Rahel Dean Pelikan
Program: MS in Underground Construction and Tunneling Engineering
Contact: rdeanpelikan@mines.edu

Treasurer: Muhammad Ishaq
Program: PhD in Underground Construction and Tunneling Engineering
Contact: mishaq@mines.edu

Secretary: Tala Tahernia
Program: PhD in Underground Construction and Tunneling Engineering
Contact: talatahernia@mines.edu